

My own travel plans for 2021

So travel in 2020 was a bust!

So many exciting trips planned – big and small! I certainly didn’t foresee this happening. I thought, “Okay, a few weeks, maybe a month of this and we will be back to normal”. Wrong. So as we all have experienced the downsides of 2020, I still have my hopes for travels in 2021!

My husband and I have some pretty big trips planned out for this year. Go big or go home, right? Currently on our travel agenda for this year is to go to South Africa and Greece!

We want to experience that once in a lifetime kind of trip- Safari in the wilds of Africa. To swim in a pool with elephants all around and wake before sunrise to buggy around the flat plains to search for majestic animals in their habitat. We want to see giraffes grazing, elephants in their mud holes, and leopards trapezing around the trees. To hear the roar of a lion and the cackle of hyenas. Thinking about it gets me so excited!

We will be traveling with EverseenSA for a week on an unforgettable trip through South Africa! Cannot wait to meet these amazing souls and be immersed in new experience and lifestyle.

In 2020, we were supposed to go to Greece to see my family and introduce my husband to the picturesque islands. So, we are going to go for a round two attempt. My hope is to give my husband the tourist and local feel all in one. It is a must to see the ancient ruins but also party until the wee hours with the locals. Atv to beautiful beaches and other hidden treasures.

Our fingers are crossed that 2021 is the year for magic!

Wander on,


I hope some of these trips will encourage you to set out on your own adventures! Don’t hesitate to reach out in the contact form.

Follow along for the adventures on the Instagram!

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